From Blueberries to Oranges

Wow, the second trimester is here! It couldn’t come fast enough but it still feels like I blinked and missed it!

How are the babies doing? Fabulous. Growing right on schedule, healthy as can be at each check up. We got to see them at my appointment last week and they both look like actual babies instead of aliens. One baby was even moving his/her hands excitedly, totally felt like it was a wave hello to us! We haven’t gotten any take-home ultrasounds since our last appointment at UFC but we’ve been really blessed because we’ve still gotten to see them at all three of my OB appointments so far. Here are our blueberries a couple of weeks ago, (if I remember right, at the time they were the size of plums) moving along to the orange-sized babies they are now!

aby A plum

So far, I think Baby B up at the top takes after Dad. Baby B loves to be in the spotlight and has posed for great pictures every time. Baby B is always sprawled out and makes it very easy to see him/her each time. I think he/she looks like a gummy bear in this one! But now he/she looks like real baby.

aby B plum

Baby A on the bottom seems to be more of an introvert like Mom. Baby A is usually scrunched up, takes a minute to find, and pictures of Baby A look like a blob. Mayyyybe Baby B is bullying Baby A into his/her crunched up position but I think it’s more of Baby A preference.  But this child has definitely gone from a blob to cute baby!

Apparently they’re a wiggley bunch, we can see that with every ultrasound. But so far I haven’t any moments that are crystal clear, that-was-my-child-moving. I do feel butterfly movements that keep me aware that they’re in there, but I’m looking forward to some more definite kicks!

How am I doing? Overall, significantly better.  I am still down in weight, quite a bit from my starting weight, but I have finally leveled out. I even gained 3lbs between check ups! Yay!

The constant puking has gone away. Most days it’s one session in the morning and fine for the rest of the day. It’s been 3 whole weeks since my last IV, which is a pretty big deal! I have noticed though that I shouldn’t count myself out of the woods yet though…Sunday I updated our family with how well I’ve been feeling and how excited I’ve been about finally getting to enjoy pregnancy, but the twins heard…and decided to remind me whose boss. Yesterday I threw up 2x before work, 7x at work, and at least 5x after work (I lost count). I honestly believe my fiesta children heard me, giggled, and decided to have some fun! Oy. They’re a handful already! But other than a couple of days like yesterday, the last few weeks have been better. I’m experiencing hormone headaches so my doctor informed me to drink more caffeine. Feels ironic to be told to have some instead of avoid it!

Do I have a baby bump? That’s up for debate. Jason says yes, definitely. I don’t think so though. I think for those who have been around me they can see a difference, but I don’t think it’s a clear bump-not-gut belly yet. With all the weight loss I had I lost quite a bit of my fatty gut. Now I think it’s been replaced with the baby bump, but that it’s pretty much the same size as the gut was before. *shrug* To the touch, there is no debate that it’s a prego belly! It’s hard and firm and has that special pregnant skin quality.

I will be 16 weeks on Sunday. Most people with morning sickness only deal with it during the first trimester. Having entered the second trimester and see a decrease in my misery has been promising! Speaking to family members who also had HG, they saw the biggest difference after 20 weeks. Almost there!

Guess what else is almost here. GENDER ULTRASOUNDS!!! Eeeek! Boy, Girl? Girl, Girl? Boy, Boy? We’ll know soon, so keep an eye out for that in a couple of weeks! And possibly some other fun posts in between.